Love Does NOT Boast
I decided to skip the second day of "jealousy" because I'm fairly certain I made my point AND today's topic happens to go with it quite well.
Boast:to speak with exaggeration; bragging.
Now, none of us like hearing people brag. It's not fun. Why? Because....we either get 1.) annoyed (ooh...PATIENCE) or 2.) jealous. So, really, when people brag, it's a temptation for us to sin. Let's look at some people who bragged in the Bible.
HAMAN(bom bom boooooooommm). Remember him? Check out Esther 3-6, or my mom's blog. In short, Haman was a "powerful prince" in the court of King Xerxes. He was all high and mighty, until one day this Jew named Mordecai refused to bow down to him (ego, much?). So he decided that he wanted to kill ALL of the Jews, just cuz Mordecai did the right thing and refused to bow to anyone but God. Wanna know what happened? He did unleash an all out attack on the Jews, but the Jews were able to fight back, because God was on their side. Haman ended up hanging himself on the gallows he built for Mordecai(who also gained Haman's position in the court)...Tough cookies...
GOLIATH(even BIGGER "bom bom booooooommm"). Who doesn't remember Goliath? Check out 1 Samuel 17-21. The Philistines thought that they had da bomb diggity with Goliath. He was over 9 feet tall and pretty strong...His armor weighed 125 lbs, and the iron point of his spear weighed 75 lbs. (JUST THE POINT OF THE SPEAR!!!!!!!) Well, he's taunting the Isrealites, and this little kid named David had his slingshot and a few stones. Impossible situation? I think not. God used one stone to smack Goliath's huge head, and he was dead.
How about NEBUCHADNEZZAR? This always makes me think of the Veggietales movie about the chocolate bunnies. (Maybe the situation would've been better if there was chocolate involved...) Anyway, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were all good Christians. Then it happened again. Nebuchadnezzar decided that he needed people to bow down to him. When the Three Musketeers didn't bow, he decided to crank up the furnace seven times hotter and throw them in. Ow, right? Burning alive is not on my list of ways to die. Anyway, they were thrown in there, a fourth person appeared and they walked out...ALIVE. Not smelling like smoke, or burned at all. Check it out: Daniel 3 for full details.
The only time it is EVER okay to boast is in the Lord. ((Psalm 34:2, 44:8)). Not about your salvation((Ephesians 2:8-9)). Look at these: ((Psalm 94:4-7; Proverbs 27:1)) You can't even brag about your LIFE. The only thing you can brag in is JESUS because He's the only thing worth bragging about anyway! Everything else is going to disappear with the rest of the world...Jesus will still be there(*cue music*).
Labels: Love
lol, "Da bomb diggity"
I don't think Ephesians 2:8-9 is necessarily saying NOT to brag about your salvation but is saying you CAN'T or that you'd be lying.
I think that if it is wrong to boast about your Salvation then every time we sing a song on Wednesday about how God saved us then we would be sinning.
Nor do I think that the Bible condemns "boasting" about your life as long as you boast in the Lord. What I mean by that is that I CAN boast that I was able to get a B in English (thank the Lord) because the Lord helped me. However, I CAN'T say that I got a B in English class all by myself because I didn't
Do you understand what I mean? I kind of just thought that the last paragraph condemned all boasting of everything BUT the Lord and nothing but the Lord, when in reality you can boast about the Lord WITH examples... like my B...
The definition for boasting - as was stated - is to brag. Even if you got your 'B' because of Jesus - you shouldn't brag about it. David didn't go to his brothers and say: "God chose ME to kill Goliath! He picked ME to be the king!" Again, I think it's a breakdown of the definition - if we boast/brag about our life as a Christian - then we're telling everyone that we are better than them because we have Jesus. He doesn't want that - and you will lose your witness if you do that. We know that life is better with Jesus - but you're not going to win people to Christ by boasting about it.
And, when we sing, we are praising God, not boasting. We are singing to Him and thanking Him. Jesus was the Son of God! But he didn't walk around telling everyone He was better than them because He was the King. He didn't say, "Look at Me, I just made a blind man see" - It was never about Him wanting to brag, it was about Him wanting us to know how much He loves us, that He was willing to humbly come down from His thrown so we could beat Him and nail Him to a tree, all to save us from eternally being separated from Him.
I'm glad you're studying it though.
Thanks for correcting me Mrs. Champagne.
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